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3 & 4 APRIL 2020


Pauline Heron: Speaking at the World Franchise Investment Summit

Pauline Heron

Development Discovery

Don’t be Destined To Failure – Understand WHY

Throughout our life we often end up in a place where we are not sure how we got there this is more common than many are aware of. Therefore, I am sure you will agree when you are faced with a pivotal point in your career or life it makes sense to step back and take a fully focused look at what the options are?

Yet so many fail to do this. Why?

Often because we think it is all about the numbers and the location and the profiles but it is so much more than that it is about understanding what it is we truly want what is our WHY and many have not even thought about their WHY or even know and be able to articulate what it is.

It does not matter if the numbers look good and the due diligence appears sound the reality is if the journey you go on does not fit with your WHY then you are destined to failure. It might not be a financial failure because if you have the skill set to manage it you can make a financial success of it, but will you be living the life you want, will you be fulfilled in the way you should be, will you be getting the rewards you deserve?

Once you know what your WHY is and then if you match a new career or opportunity and align it with your specific “WHY” and your “VALUES” then you are far more likely to not only make a much greater success of your chosen route but be much happier doing it.

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